Celebrating 30 Years of God’s Faithfulness head image

Celebrating 30 Years of God’s Faithfulness

January 14, 2024

Pierre Cannings

As a son, God has graciously allowed me to see the necessary sacrifice of a father and mother to the glory of God and body of Christ. As a child, I watched the late nights and

early mornings of prayers, tears, and worship, offered up by my mom and dad, while still loving their children and each other. I remember watching my dad shed tears for the people he was called to shepherd, and going to Living Word Christian Academy and

seeing my mom wax the floors for the new school year. Now, as a father, I know what it means to sacrificially love my family and God’s church.

Growing up in the church, I experienced strangers becoming my brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers. As a 9-year-old, this is the only church family I remember. My friends from youth ministry are still my brothers and sisters today. Although LWFC has grown significantly, it still feels like a family to me. I now know what it means to weep with those who weep, and rejoice with those who rejoice. I have seen the loss of family members, and I have seen our family grow.

As a Pastor, I follow the example provided by my father, and love members as family. I

know that leadership here at Living Word will require sacrifice, but it is worth it for the body

of Christ. I am confident there will be times of suffering and celebration. Today is one of those days to celebrate God’s faithfulness. A day that we all can remember God’s favor

as a family. My prayer, as we continue in God’s faithfulness, is that we all can look back

30 years from now, and celebrate God again as one big family.